Andrea Valleri: Simbiosi - Neopaleo, Messolonghi

17 - 27 August 2022
Andrea Valleri's art wants to reconnect the viewer with the historical tradition from which he himself comes and on whose solid foundations he is formed.
The third exhibition of the Neopaleo project, a travelling exhibition by the Venetian artist Andrea Valleri, will take place from 17 to 27 August at Palazzo Chrisogelou, the Region's cultural institution in Messsolonghi, a city sacred to Greece, as its citizens gave their lives for independence from the Ottomans during the 1821 Revolution. It is entitled ΣΥΜΒΙΟΣΗ ('symbiosis') as a testament both to the similar lagoon environment of Venice and Messolonghi, and to the common history that has always linked Venice and Greece in the defence of Christian- and especially national-identity (for example, the first President of the Republic of the Heptanesus, 1800, and of freed Greece, 1821, was a Greek-Venetian, Giovanni Antonio Capidistria).